Thursday 28 July 2011

The Tourist

Before joining up with Oak Tree Press, David Coles- my co-author -and I had a book in waiting with Virtual Tales. They had held it for almost three years and it was due out in May 2011 one week after VT folded. We considered offering it to OTP but truthfully we felt we had waited long enough also it exceeded OTP's word length. It is now coming out next week in both eBook and paperback with Acclaimed Books and I thought it might appeal to a goodly few of our fellows because the protagonist is a brain damaged American special forces soldier who, having been fed with false memories as a sort of rock-goes on the rampage in England.
If anyone would like to review it my e-mail is  : give me a call if you have an e-reader or don't mind reading it on your computer.
Thanks a lot,